

Although ServMask is proud of its reputation as a dependable method of backing up and migrating websites, customers may occasionally encounter problems. This guide intends to assist you in resolving those issues.

Installing the plugin

The free plugin that is available on WordPress is required for all extensions. Please ensure that you have the plugin installed.

If you need instructions on how to install the base plugin, please see wordpress and for extensions, please see help.servmask.

Taking a backup or export of your site

The processes of backup and export are the same. The plugin creates a.wpress file when you export the contents of your WordPress site. This archive is a backup that you can keep in case you need it, as well as a file that you can import to a new site to migrate to. Any backups that you have on your server will be displayed on the plugin’s backups page. When you create a backup on the server, you’ll be taken to the export page, where you can choose where to save the backup.

Issues with backups

If you have any issues with your backups, please check the requirements below:

  • You have enough free space on your server to store the backup file, which means you’ll need more space than the size of the backup file that will be created.
  • You must have permission on wp-content that will allow you to write the backup to the folder. We recommend that you have 775 recursively on wp-content.
  • Due to the limitation of 32 bit PHP file size, if you have a site that is larger than 2GB, you must use 64 bit PHP. Please also look through the list of unsupported hosting providers to see if there are any limitations.
  • Make sure your server has enough memory to process the backup. The bare minimum is that your memory limit be set to 256MB (although small sites can manage with less).
  • If you’ve used other backup plugins, you may notice that your backups are generating massive files. If your file appears to be larger than it should be, make sure you’ve deleted all previous backups from your hosting server.
  • Transients, large database tables, and incompatible plugins can cause issues. If this is the case, please contact support for assistance.

When there are problems with the export or import, it can be helpful to look at the error log, which can be found at wp-content/plugins/all-in-one-wp-migration/storage/error.log.

Downloading a backup

In some cases, poor internet connections, server restrictions, or browser issues can cause the download from the plugin’s download button to fail. You can try a different browser, but if this happens again, we recommend downloading through your hosting site’s file manager or using an FTP client. The backups can be found in wp-content/ai1wm-backups.

Migrating your website or restoring a backup

Issues with restoring a backup

The file that you import must be a .wpress file that was created by a ServMask plugin. Use a new WordPress install to ensure that the install is clean, although this is not essential.

  • If the import page on the plugin does not appear to be correct, there might be an issue with your site and home URL.
  • While the All-in-One WP migration plugin is fully compatible with both older and newer PHP versions, your website’s content (themes, plugins, and so on) may not be. Check to see if the PHP versions of your exporting and importing sites are incompatible. Please see more information here.
  • If you would like to check the integrity before import, use the Traktor tool to check the integrity of your backup and look at the contents.
  • You need to have enough space on your server to store the backup file and recreate the website on your site. You should have enough space to store your site by 2.5 times.
  • You need to have permissions on wp-content that will allow you to write to the wp-content folder. We recommend that you have 775 recursively on wp-content.
  • To process the restore, you must have enough memory on your server. The memory limit should be set to 256M at the very least (although small sites can get away with less and larger sites may need more).
  • If the restoration process stalls or takes too long, follow this guide.
  • Plugins can sometimes come into conflict during import. To see if there are any issues, go to /wp-content/plugins/all-in-one-wp-migration/storage/error.log
  • If your website is not working after import, you can see this guide.

You can also look at the common issues on the support site or contact the support team if these recommendations don’t help.



  1. Parveen

    following errorr occur

    35 | ERROR | Extension ‘mysql_’ is deprecated since PHP 5.5 and removed since PHP 7.0; Use mysqli instead
    45 | ERROR | Extension ‘mysql_’ is deprecated since PHP 5.5 and removed since PHP 7.0; Use mysqli instead
    54 | ERROR | Extension ‘mysql_’ is deprecated since PHP 5.5 and removed since PHP 7.0; Use mysqli instead
    63 | ERROR | Extension ‘mysql_’ is deprecated since PHP 5.5 and removed since PHP 7.0; Use mysqli instead
    72 | ERROR | Extension ‘mysql_’ is deprecated since PHP 5.5 and removed since PHP 7.0; Use mysqli instead
    82 | ERROR | Extension ‘mysql_’ is deprecated since PHP 5.5 and removed since PHP 7.0; Use mysqli instead
    92 | ERROR | Extension ‘mysql_’ is deprecated since PHP 5.5 and removed since PHP 7.0; Use mysqli instead
    102 | ERROR | Extension ‘mysql_’ is deprecated since PHP 5.5 and removed since PHP 7.0; Use mysqli instead
    112 | ERROR | Extension ‘mysql_’ is deprecated since PHP 5.5 and removed since PHP 7.0; Use mysqli instead

      1. Nedra Robins

        Hi Pim – I’m searching for a resolution for this error for All in One WP Migration as well. We are in the process of upgrading to PHP 7.2 and the 9 errors listed by Parveen above are exactly what we are seeing on our 9 websites as well. We are currently on PHP 7.0. Is there a solution for these errors?
        Nedra Robins

        1. Pim J. Iliev

          Hi Nedra,

          PHP Compatibility Checker plugin is not maintained and we do not recommend it to be used.
          Every plugin that supports multiple versions of PHP will display a similar output from the above plugin.
          All-in-One WP Migration supports all versions of PHP from 5.2 up to 7.3 and can be used without issues on any of these PHP versions.

  2. Tony

    all-in-one ftp extension,

    I keep getting an error activating it.
    Plugin could not be activated because it triggered a fatal error.

    Fatal error: require_once(): Failed opening required ‘/home/elysianwebdev/’ (include_path=’.:/usr/local/lib/php:/usr/local/php5/lib/pear’) in /home/elysianwebdev/ on line 58

    I have also tried uploading it via FTP, which sometimes works, but not in this case, I see it in the Plugin folder,


    1. Pim J. Iliev

      Hi Tony,

      Could you download a new copy of FTP Extension from the download link and re-install?
      Please let me know if this resolves the issue.

  3. Rick


    Is there a way to open a .wpress file on a Windows PC so I can grab some image files out of it? I tried renaming the file to a .zip but it didn’t work. Or do you have a tool to be able to crack open the wpress file please?


  4. ahmet

    Hello Guys,

    at importing after 41% its be stopping. I checked the Php.ini options , memory size and time value.

    but it is not workin

  5. rob

    I have the paid unlimited extension and it is activated and i still get this error

    “Restore” functionality has been moved to a paid extension. Get it here or download the backup and then use “Import from file”.

    1. Pim J. Iliev

      Hi Rob,

      Could you make sure that the following plugins are the latest versions;
      1. All in One WP Migration version 6.79
      2. All in One WP Migration Unlimited Extension version 2.22

  6. Tushar M

    Unable to import

    Unable to open file for reading. File: /home/sites/6b/e/ec855a3a42/public_html/wp-content/plugins/all-in-one-wp-migration/storage/4opi92e970e7/

    I see this when I try to import. What should I do???

  7. micheal adams

    hi , i have paid extension , i keep getting this error :

    i have checked in my cpanel and also my hosting support have checked on this and this is their reply :


    Thank you for your patience up to now.

    We have reviewed the issue and attempted to fix it, but due to some coding issue of the plugin you are using, we were unable to resolve it. For some reason, the exports are trying to be saved in “/home/dubaiaudhb/check” server path, instead of saving it to the actual document root of the website. Please contact the vendor of the plugin to assist you further with resolving the bug, we do not provide web development services and would be unable to assist further.

    Best Regards,

    Support Team Supervisor

    how do i resolve this issue

    1. Pim J. Iliev

      Hi Michael,

      The plugin needs to have space and access to be able to function on your site.
      Can you check that you have set permissions on your wp-content directory to 775 recursively and that you have enough disk space on the server to save the site 2.5 times?
      Please reach out to for premium extension support.

  8. Bill E.

    My backup hangs up indefinitely during Export at the “Retrieving list of WordPress Files…” stage.
    I have turned off all plugins and removed W3TotalCache plugin. The error log had shown some issues with ‘file doesn’t exist” and W3T.
    But the issue persists.
    The site is relatively small and not complex at all. There is well enough server space for the file.
    PHP Memory is set to 256M
    Max execution time to 180
    I have successfully used the plugin on other sites on this server.
    I’m baffled


    I keep getting a screen that requires Username and Password… I’ve tried all that I know but to no avail… (All-in-One WP Migration)

  10. Rodrigo Vazquez

    {“type”:1,”message”:”Allowed memory size of 41943040 bytes exhausted (tried to allocate 8192 bytes)”,”file”:”\/home\/sitexxx\/public_html\/wp-content\/plugins\/all-in-one-wp-migration\/lib\/vendor\/servmask\/database\/class-ai1wm-database-mysqli.php”,”line”:35}
    Export Error (after upgrade plugin)
    Versión 6.83

  11. Carlos Castro

    hello I have the same error as the previous man:

    Unable to import
    ai1wm_compatibility is not defined

    I already have the latest version of All in One WP Migration, I also have the latest version of the extension. What could be the problem?

  12. Marcos Ignacio Iorio

    Hi, i have a problem importing via backup in Multisite, this is the error:

    “type”:1,”message”:”Uncaught Error: Call to undefined function ai1wm_get_uploads_url() in \/home\/yww54emge4nr\/public_html\/wp-content\/plugins\/all-in-one-wp-migration-multisite-extension\/lib\/model\/import\/class-ai1wmme-import-blogs.php:513\nStack trace:\n#0 \/home\/yww54emge4nr\/public_html\/wp-content\/plugins\/all-in-one-wp-migration\/lib\/controller\/class-ai1wm-import-controller.php(78): Ai1wmme_Import_Blogs::execute(Array)\n#1 \/home\/yww54emge4nr\/public_html\/wp-includes\/class-wp-hook.php(303): Ai1wm_Import_Controller::import(Array)\n#2 \/home\/yww54emge4nr\/public_html\/wp-includes\/class-wp-hook.php(327): WP_Hook->apply_filters(”, Array)\n#3 \/home\/yww54emge4nr\/public_html\/wp-includes\/plugin.php(470): WP_Hook->do_action(Array)\n#4 \/home\/yww54emge4nr\/public_html\/wp-admin\/admin-ajax.php(187): do_action(‘wp_ajax_ai1wm_i…’)\n#5 {main}\n thrown”,”file”:”\/home\/yww54emge4nr\/public_html\/wp-content\/plugins\/all-in-one-wp-migration-multisite-extension\/lib\/model\/import\/class-ai1wmme-import-blogs.php”,”line”:513}

    In the front it tells me that the blogs cannot be prepared, im using all in one version 6.77 and the multisite extension is 3.94 i think.

  13. Reinaldo Guidini

    Hi, I tried restore one site but the process stop when load file.

    My provider is Hostinger and the support told me that plug in All in One has same problem that block restore.

    Can You clarify about this ?

    Reinaldo Guidini – from Brazil

    1. Yani I

      I am not aware of any issues that the plugin has problems with Hostinger. You probably want to talk to them about it.

  14. Jacob Lear

    When I deactivate the plugin it causes WordPress to break and the browser says “Too many redirects”. Nothing I try seems to fix it. HELP. My site is totally broken now.

    1. Yani I

      Your website is not setup correctly. There is likely http/https mismatch that needs to be fixed. Because this is a common error, we added a fix in our plugin. The moment you deactivate the plugin, you are left without the fix and the website has a problem. Either fix your website configuration or keep the plugin active.

      1. Jacob Lear

        My configuration is Apache with PHP-FPM in the backend, varnish in the middle, and nginx on the frontend serving over SSL. I removed my nginx configuration and regenerated it using the nginx configuration tool by Digital Ocean:
        However that didn’t help. I temporarily disabled redirection of non-www and non-https, but I still get the “too many redirects” error.

        In the database, my “siteurl” and “home” are set to the website’s “https” URL. If I change it to “http”, the website loads but nothing works correctly because it is full off mixed SSL errors because I browse to it over https. If I change it back, I get “too many redirects”.

        I tried adding the fix mentioned in a comment on the plugin site to wp-config.php:
        if ( isset( $_SERVER[‘HTTP_X_FORWARDED_PROTO’] ) && ( $_SERVER[‘HTTP_X_FORWARDED_PROTO’] === ‘https’ ) ) {
        $_SERVER[‘HTTPS’] = ‘on’;

        and after restarting Apache, PHP-FPM, Varnish, and nginx, that seems to have fixed the problem.

        If you don’t mind, can you explain why that is necessary? Is it because my backend (Apache, PHP, Varnish) are not using SSL?

  15. Kevin

    I have purchased the unlimited upload plugin, which works fine when uploading from my Mac, however, my iPad Pro always hangs about a third of the way through.

    ANy ideas?

  16. umberto

    Hi, I’m doing maintenance on a site not created by me. I would like to create a backup to save on a pc but it gives me this error. Could it be due to a plugin called Purge Varnish? Or from another plugin that backs up?

    Error 503 Service Unavailable
    Service Unavailable

    Guru Meditation:
    XID: 12043919

    Varnish cache server

    1. Yani I

      The plugin is used to purge Varnish cache, it should not be a problem.
      Misconfigured Varnish, however, could be a problem.
      503 usually indicates that PHP stopped working.

  17. amy_julian

    I cannot get my WP site to upload using All-In-One. I have tried using the latest version 7.48 to export and import, to no avail. I then tried using an older version – 6.68 – to import, but it still didn’t work. The file exports seemingly fine, but I get the message “Unable to open file for reading” every single time I import. The file is only 203.13 MB, so I am not sure what I’m doing wrong.

  18. Petros

    Hi, my unlimited all-in-one WP extension doesn’t seem to work anymore whenever im trying to install it on a new website.

    I have the main version of all-in-one WP installed and updated then I upload the unlimited extension and try to restore a backup it gives me a warning that I have to update the unlimited extension. When I click on the link there was usually an update due on the plugins page, not anymore though… so I keep getting prompted to update the plugin but there is no option to update it. It’s very annoying – anyone else here experiencing the same problem?

  19. Kazunori Oyama

    Hi, I am using FTP extension and unlimited extension.
    Then, I set up automatic backups for some websites.

    But automate backups didn’t run sometime.

    I have two question about it.

    1. How to investigate the reason of it ? for example, can I get some logs from somewhere?
    2. If you have some hints of this, Please tell me.

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