What to do if importing is running for too long

If your install is stuck at “restoring X% files,” “restoring database,” or “activating mu-plugins”

1. Keep the plugin running for another 15 minutes while it is on “Restoring database.”
2. After 15 minutes, open another tab and attempt to login to wp-admin using the exported site’s WP Admin username and password.
3. Save the permalinks structure twice by going to settings -> permalinks.
At this point, your website could successfully migrate.

If it isn’t and you receive a 500 error, please edit your wp-config.php file and set WP DEBUG to true, then refresh the page to see an error. This may assist you in determining the problem, or you can share the error with the Servmask support team for assistance.

You can also look at the error log, which is located at /wp-content/plugins/all-in-one-wp-migration/storage/error.log.

Could it be my server settings?

Ideally, you will have memory_limit set to 256M, max_execution_time set to 500, and mysql.connect_timeout set to 400. You can find these settings by uploading this file (https://www.dropbox.com/s/ize8t2k4nww5iq7/phpinfo.php?dl=0) in wp-content of your imported site and then open http://YOURDOMAINNAME.COM/wp-content/phpinfo.php. (tip – use Ctr F search the data that you get)

Are you migrating from PHP5 to PHP7?

If the PHP version of your website PHP is different than the PHP version of your backup, it might cause problems with the proper functioning of your website and may also cause issues with some applications. This happens more commonly with migrations from PHP 5 to PHP 7.

These are some steps you can take if you’re having problems migrating between PHP versions:
1. Deactivate all plugins before exporting. This ensures that any errors on your website are not caused by third-party software.
2. Before exporting, switch to your default WordPress theme and deactivate all other themes. This action ensures that the error is not caused by code in your themes.
3. Set the WP DEBUG constant to true in your WordPress installation path’s wp-config.php file to see all errors, warnings, and notes received from the website during execution. This will assist you in locating any problems.
4. In the All-in-One WP Migration plugin Storage folder, look for the error.log file. The error.log file contains a record of all errors and error message content encountered during execution. This is another method for locating problems and will help you narrow down the problem area.
5. Downgrade your PHP version to 5. This can be done via your hosting control panel. You may be able to change the PHP version on some web hosts.
If none of the above helps, you may need to change your WordPress hosting.


  1. Toon Verhoeven

    Dear servmask,

    After 15 minutes I’m not able tot open te site in a new tab, the page stays empty.
    I’m trying to import on my Localhost (via MAMP). In the past I had no problems but this time it’s not working.
    Do you have any suggestions?

    1. Pim J

      Hi Toon,

      Could you increase max_execution_time, post_max_size, upload_max_filesize, max_input_time and memory_limit to the maximum allowed values?

  2. Toon Verhoeven

    Hi Pim,
    Can I just open the php.ini in Text-editor and change by hand?
    And how do I know what the maximum allowed values are?

    1. Pim J

      Hi Toon,

      Yes, you can do that. How large is your database? Could you try exporting from your old site using Advanced Options (export only database) and let me know how big it is?

  3. Toon Verhoeven

    Hi Pim,

    The database is 56 Mb (total export is 180 Mb).

    The current values are:
    max_execution_time = 30
    max_input_time = 60
    memory_limit = 128M

    1. Pim J

      Hi Toon,

      Could you increase your max_execution_time and max_input_time to 300, and memory_limit to 256M?
      If it is possible for upload_max_filesize and post_max_size, they should also be increased to 256M.

  4. Toon Verhoeven

    Hi Pim,
    I changed the php.ini but ‘Restoring database’ keeps running.
    Any other suggestions?



  5. Helal

    I have exported my site with your plugin and it’s size is 1.35 GB so I can’t import it to another hosting by free version. If I purchase ‘Unlimited’ extension, can you ensure me that it will work? Please let me know. Thanks

    1. Pim J

      Hi Helal,

      Thank you for reaching out.
      Have you used our plugin on this site before? What hosting is it hosted with?

  6. Billy

    I have tried importing a website to my localhost server. I just sits on restoring database, for 3 days now. When I try to open another window to get to the wp-admin it will not let me go there, sends me off to a search engine page. Is there anyway to force it to get to the wp-admin login page. I bought the full version plugin and it does not work on 3 sites I have tried to use it on. I need some help!

  7. Matt

    I’m getting the following error when I try to access any page other than the homepage of my site after importing, including the /wp-admin page

    Internal Server Error

    The server encountered an internal error or misconfiguration and was unable to complete your request.

    Please contact the server administrator, and inform them of the time the error occurred, and anything you might have done that may have caused the error.

    More information about this error may be available in the server error log.

  8. Cindy

    I just tried using this plugin on a 5 page website – super easy, right?

    Well it hung up on Import (just my luck) and now I can’t login ANYWHERE, or SEE anything, except text (no theme) on one page.

    I see the files via FTP, but what the heck!!!>???

  9. Camilo

    We have used this Plugin for more than a year now. But We had a problem with the server finishing the year 2016 and now that we are uploading the “backup” it keeps running forever. We have rebooted the server more than 10 times and it has reached “88% complete” but it just stops there and the website goes down, so there is no way we can access to the wp-admin. We will really like some help because we use this plugin in several websites and until now it has always worked well.

  10. Lawrence

    I’ve tried my best with this plugin but I cannot get it to work. Stuck at 49% restore whether I try to import or restore the backup file. I really want to like this plugin but it just doesn’t work for me.

    My website backup is only 295Mb so it can’t be a size issue.

  11. Rohit D

    Hello, I am using latest version of all in one migration extension plugin to move my wordpress site from godaddy to aws. the backfile file is1.88GB. When I import the file to the new aws instance using bitnami wordpress it get’s stuck while restoring the database and the wheel keep spinning. Can somebody help me fix this problem?

  12. PONS

    Hi there,

    I’m using the premium unlimited version.

    I have the exact same problem when importing a .wpress to my new hosting :
    It get’s stuck while restoring the database and the wheel keep spinning. I tried opening a new tab with no success.
    I can send credentials when you send me a support mail.

    Please let me know how to fix the issue

  13. James


    The issue I am having has arisen twice now, but it seems that the Servmask Support prefers to solve the issue per email rather than give the solution to the public…

    I am attempting to migrate to a local install (MAMP), and am having the same issues as Toon and Billy mentioned above:
    – “Restoring Database” runs endlessly
    – within Local Directory all files seem to be complete
    – Database im myPHPAdmin seems to be complete
    BUT, when I attempt to open wp-login in a second tab I recieve a HTTP ERROR 500: The localhost page isn’t working

    I attempted to “disable” all plugins (aside from all-in-one wp migration) by renaming each folder name.

    Does this even Plugin work for a local install?

      1. Terry Lewis

        I get the same problem with IIs and php7. The “restoring database” just never ends. Attemps to access the site gives HTTP error 500.

  14. Rob

    Heavy sigh…I too am experiencing the endless loop of Restoring database. This is on a local install so no website address. Opened a new tab and only got the starter wp site, nothing from the imported site. Such promise on the initial execution, and this really is too bad because it’s such an elegant solution – but does not seem to be pulling off its most important function

    1. Rob

      Update: as may be typical – it’s highly probable that I’d proceeded with a configuration error on my localhost. After reconfiguring a clean localhost install – AND using PHP v. 7.1.12 (vs 7.2.1 in initial import, which failed), the second go around worked PERFECTLY. This was a 382MB site and the process finished up within 15 seconds. So…moral of story – check your settings, and maybe don’t go with the most current version of PHP (certainly stay above 7).

      1. steve

        Hi Everyone have been pulling my hair out for days now, and read these posts over and over again, change time limits to maximum, changed PHP versions etc etc and FINALLY I got it to work.

        My back file is 507 so just below the limit.

        So – it was always hanging at the restore database stage so; at the point of hanging I went to FILE MANAGER and one by one pushed plugin files to a sub directory, not sure which plugin was causing the issue but – I am concluding that the issue is with the plugin version or something else.

        Anyway – my site is up and running; I reset PHP version to current, re installed plugins from fresh and I conclude : THE FIX WAS DUE TO MOVING THE PLUGIN DIRECTORIES INTO A SUB DIRECTORY.


        Go into file manager and try it during the hanging and see ….

        Hope this help someone out 🙂

  15. rick.combi@gmail.com

    Hi Pim

    I am trying to recover my backup with more than 1.2gb

    Now the upload is frozen in 9% for more than 40 minutes.

    I’ve opened a new tab but it did not work. It displays error 500

    I increased in the CPanel the following:

    allow_url_fopen On
    display_errors Off
    error_reporting E_ALL
    file_uploads On
    include_path .:/opt/alt/php71/usr/share/pear
    log_errors On
    mail.force_extra_parameters no value
    max_execution_time 300
    max_input_time 300
    memory_limit 256M
    open_basedir no value
    post_max_size 128M
    session.save_path /tmp
    short_open_tag On
    upload_max_filesize 1G

    I need to know how to recover the access to the WP admin and restore the backup properly.

    I am really desperate.



    1. Lesley Arnold

      Hi Rick
      I have created a ticket for you in our support system so that we can best help you to get this sorted. If you haven’t got our email, please email us at support at servmask.com
      Kind regards

  16. Kimberly Ford

    We had a plugin that was causing the restore to stop completing. Pim did an excellent job and helped us fix the issue. I can not say enough about the excellent Customer Service we received about this issue. We were able to get back up and running rather quickly and fixed the issue we were having with the site, as well! Thank you!

  17. kor

    This answer from steve is what helped me my import was stuck at 48% for ever and when i went to my front end i seen a php error related to one of my plugins that was the first plugin i moved to a different folder and bam the install was done. not sure why tech support cant just tell people how to fix things

    1. Pim J. Iliev

      Hi Kor,

      We cannot recommend our users to deactivate all the plugins on their exported sites if the sites are live.

      1. kor

        we are not recommending to deactivate all the plugins. but you cannot guaranty each server configuration is the same or php versions or even word press versions are the same so if a plugin is not compatible and is holding the install at a stand still I would definitely disable it and reinstall the plugin after the migration is complete

  18. Hassan Sarwar

    So I am trying to import a website that is about 4GB. It runs smooth till it gets to ‘restoring database’. Once it gets to 70% it just stopes, I checked the console and it was 500 errors repeatedly. I have tried the process many times but it doesn’t work. Can you tell me what should be the max execution time and other things? Also, What if it doesn’t work even that way?

    Can anyone help?

    1. Pim J. Iliev

      Hi Hassan,

      What is your PHP version?
      Can you edit your wp-config.php file and set WP_DEBUG to true?
      After doing this, please refresh your frontend and you should then see an error.
      Please reply with this error so that I can take a look.

  19. Jack

    my problem is
    /////Restoring database…
    99% complete

    Please do not close this browser window or your import will fail/////////////

    and turn circle but my wp site is not complete. i open new tab

    /////This page is not working
    http://www.bodrumgundem.com can not process this request right now.
    HTTP ERROR 500//////

    my wp backup is 30 GB pls help me

  20. Ehren Ransley Bhimsan

    Hi, I get this error after I change debug to true.

    Parse error: syntax error, unexpected ‘[‘ in /home/xxxxx/public_html/wh/wp-content/plugins/woocommerce-upload-files/classes/com/WCUF_DropBox.php on line 31

  21. ian

    help… i made the mistake of migrating from a php 7 (local) to a php 5 (online)

    it stalled at 56% and i closed the window,

    my website does not load 🙁

    How to i restore my old site? <– once restored, i can update to php 7 and do the migration process again

  22. Vansh

    Hi, while importing/restoring the Database, it got stuck at 98%. Although, my PHP.ini settings are as followed:
    cgi.fix_pathinfo = 1

    session.save_path = /tmp
    upload_tmp_dir = /tmp

    max_input_vars = 999999
    memory_limit = 512M
    post_max_size = 192M
    file_uploads = On
    upload_max_filesize = 64M
    max_execution_time = 600

    Then I tried to open my site/wp-admin and it didn’t work. After setting my WP_DEBUG to TRUE. The following errors popped up:
    Fatal error: Allowed memory size of 33554432 bytes exhausted (tried to allocate 32 bytes) in /home/glraindi/public_html/wp-content/themes/sympathy/inc/libs/scss.inc.php on line 4158

    Please let me know how to fix this.

    1. Pim J. Iliev

      Hi Vansh,

      It looks like you are running out of memory_limit on your server.
      You can try increasing memory_limit in your wp-config.php or contact your hosting provider to do it for you.


  23. Karina

    Hi there,
    I am currently trying to import a site I made locally, on local by flywheel, to my live hosted WordPress dashboard. However, when I imported the file it won’t move past where it should. It has downloaded to 100% but won’t move past this to install the download. Its staying stuck on “100%” full green bar.
    What can I do? I have increased the max file size and all of that – so the file size is smaller than my max file size and should be able to be imported.
    I have also tried deactivating all my plugins and my theme on both the exported site and live site – this didn’t work either.
    Any assistance would be awesome! 🙂

  24. Niall Flynn

    Handy tips thanks I use this plugin a lot and revolution slider can be a common one to delete then reinstall while the DB import is hanging. You can also leave the import window open as you edit and it will sometimes complete.

    I just had this issue with a 3.5GB site, it was hanging at 78% DB import, the final step.

    1. As the article says turn on the error logging in wp config
    2. Check wp-admin, the plugin with the issue will show
    3. Delete the plugin, have copies ready
    4. Login again, the import window is still running

    9/10 times this is a premium or bundled theme plugin, the advice to change the live site too is interesting. Buy the premium version of this plugin too to its a once off puchase and has literally saved me score of hours over the years.

    1. Brian B

      Many years after the fact, this issue rears it’s ugly head, but these steps did the trick for me!
      The moment I deleted the offending Plugin, I went back to the tab with the stuck progress bar, and everything started moving again.
      Thanks a lot!!

  25. Mary Steele

    Stuck at Restoring files 84% Complete. has been sitting for half an hour. Tried to open in a new tab but I get an error that says “The page isn’t working. thepowerofai.com is currently unable to handle this request. HTTP Error 500”

    I am new to this and not sure what to do… Can anyone help?

    1. Pim J. Iliev

      Hi Mary,

      What is your PHP version?
      Could you edit your wp-config.php file and set WP_DEBUG to true?
      After doing this, please refresh your frontend and you should then see an error.
      Please send the error to


      so that we can check.

      Thank you!

  26. Scott Ewart

    I am stuck on “Done Preparing Blogs”…it just sits there with the wheel spinning. Have had lots of luck in the past…but this backup is giving me problems. Size is 540MB. I have increased memory limit and max executions…but still not working for me. Any other suggestions I can try?

  27. Francis

    Hello Pim J. Iliev
    Thank you for your assistance.
    The website database successfully uploaded and the website is now live.
    Thanks for your GREAT HELP

  28. SEO Media Group

    For everyone having problems with this, this is the solution that helped us.

    When importing simply do not import plugins.

    After import succeeds (it should) install plugins manually instead (the exact same plugins that were active on the website you exported from).

    That’s it!

    Good luck & enjoy using this otherwise excellent plugin!

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