All-in-One WP Migration DigitalOcean Spaces Extension WP CLI Integration All-in-One WordPress Migration The DigitalOcean Spaces Extension integrates with WP-CLI, allowing you to run migrations from the command line. It adds backup and restore commands to the CLI. Backup Creates a new backup file. Example: wp ai1wm digitalocean backup. List backups List backup files from digitalocean spaces. […]
All-in-One WP Migration Backblaze B2 Extension WP CLI Integration
All-in-One WP Migration Backblaze B2 Extension WP CLI Integration Backblaze B2 Extension for All-in-One WordPress Migration includes integration with WP-CLI, allowing you to run migrations from the command line. It adds backup and restore commands that can be executed from the command line. Backup Creates a new backup file. Example: wp ai1wm b2 backup. List […]
S3 Client Extension Changelog
S3 Client Extension User Guide
S3 Client Extension User Guide The S3 Client Extension adds to the functionality of the All-in-One WP Migration Plugin by connecting it to your Amazon S3 account. This allows you to directly import and export your website/network of sites between your S3 Client cloud space and your website. The tool is an extension of the […]
Install Instructions for S3 Client Extension
There are 2 simple steps to install the S3 Client Extension Install and activate the All-in-One WP Migration Plugin from the Plugin section of the WordPress Console Upload and activate the extension that we sent you to the Plugin section of the WordPress Console Step 1: Install the free All-in-One WP Migration Plugin (You can skip […]
List of S3 compatible storage providers
File Extension Changelog
WebDAV Extension Changelog
WebDAV Extension User Guide
WebDAV Extension User Guide The WebDAV Extension connects the All-in-One WP migration plugin to your WebDAV server. This means you can import and export your website or network of sites directly between your WebDAV storage and your website. There are numerous scenarios in which you can store the .wpress files for backup and migration. When […]
WebDAV Extension Error Codes
The All-in-One WP Migration plugin communicates with your server and stores backups using WebDAV Extension. If there is a problem communicating with the server and the files in your account, you may receive one of these errors. What can you do about it? If the All-in-one WP Migration plugin is unable to connect to your […]