Traktor – WPRESS archive extractor

Traktor, a WPRESS archive extractor, can be downloaded here:

There is also a WPRESS file browser. It lets you browse a WPRESS file to see what files/folders are inside. After dropping the file into the browser, simply click on the folder icon.
User Guide


  1. Abel Asrat

    Dear All
    I am Abel and I wanted to import MySQL file and how can I convert to your new format standard.

    1. Pim J

      Hi Abel,

      If the file was created by our early versions of the plugin, we will be happy to convert it to .wpress for you.

          1. Isaac

            Dear Pim J every time a try to import a theme ti my website this message pops up message:

            Version 2.1.1 of All in One WP Migration introduces new compression algorithm. It makes exporting and importing 10 times faster.
            Unfortunately, the new format is not back compatible with backups made with earlier versions of the plugin.
            You can either create a new backup with the latest version of the plugin, or convert the archive to the new format using our tools here.

          2. palak

            please tell me how to convert the .zip file that contains my wpress backup into .wpress so the by using “All in One Migration” i can import my data and able to restore my website.

          3. Lesley Arnold

            Hi Palak
            The All-in-One WP migration plugin uses .wpress files, not .zip files. We can only convert files that were made with our plugin, which hasn’t used the .zip format for three years.

  2. Paul Kleen

    Hi –

    I need to convert my backup so that I can use it with the multisite extension I just purchased.

    Please help asap.

  3. Steve J

    I have a file that was created by your earlier version of WP all-in-one plugin, how can I get it converted to .wpress ?

  4. Leo James

    Hi Pim,

    Great plugin. Keep it up. However, I was surprised to get this message when i was importing a… zip file? wait, what? How did it become a zip file? Because I only started using this plugin since a few weeks, and as far as i can remember, it only exported wpress files.

    Anyway I have sent you a mail with the file. Could you please kindly convert it?

    1. Pim J

      Hi Leo,

      I have replied to your support ticket.
      The file you have provided was not created using our plugin. Thus, I cannot convert it to .wpress for you.

    1. Colleen

      I had already done the export and had to do it again – just a pain…still haven’t got it migrated at this point due to 2 gig size of client site.

  5. sc

    WHat happened to the tool? I can’t import dummy data anymore from a framework. Says it’s old forrmat. No option to convert. Any help? ETA on the tool?

    1. Pim J

      Hi Scott,

      I am sorry for the inconvenience.
      What file are you trying to import?
      Is it .zip exported by our old versions of the plugin?

  6. Mark

    Hey guys, I have a word press plug in that is in zip format. When I try to import get a message that says new version cannot import old version. Can you help me update so I can get installed?



  7. will

    just bought a new theme with content to be uploaded using the plugin but telling me about the new format I need my backups to be in. How casn I get that done, I have 10 in total

  8. David Pezzutti

    Version 2.1.1 of All in One WP Migration introduces new compression algorithm. It makes exporting and importing 10 times faster.Unfortunately, the new format is not back compatible with backups made with earlier versions of the plugin.You can either create a new backup with the latest version of the plugin, or convert the archive to the new format using our tools here. – how do I do this

  9. Bruna

    I need to restore the site and I have this old zip file from the plugin which now I can’t use it. Please help!

    1. Pim J

      Hi Bruna,

      I will be happy to convert the file to .wpress for you if you send it to us at support at

      Thank you!

  10. Charles Toney


    I am Charles. Here is my problem:

    Version 2.1.1 of All in One WP Migration introduces new compression algorithm. It makes exporting and importing 10 times faster.
    Unfortunately, the new format is not back compatible with backups made with earlier versions of the plugin.
    You can either create a new backup with the latest version of the plugin, or convert the archive to the new format using our tools here.

    Please advise.


    1. Charles Toney

      Correction to problem statement:

      Version 2.1.1 of All in One WP Migration introduces new compression algorithm. It makes exporting and importing 10 times faster.
      Unfortunately, the new format is not back compatible with backups made with earlier versions of the plugin.
      You can either create a new backup with the latest version of the plugin, or convert the archive to the new format using our tools here.

  11. Romana Reed

    What is the solution to this problem I am getting:

    Unable to import

    Version 2.1.1 of All in One WP Migration introduces new compression algorithm. It makes exporting and importing 10 times faster.
    Unfortunately, the new format is not back compatible with backups made with earlier versions of the plugin.
    You can either create a new backup with the latest version of the plugin, or convert the archive to the new format using our tools here.

    1. Pim J

      Hi Romana,

      Thank you for reaching out.
      Is your .zip backup made with our old version of the plugin?

  12. Romana Reed

    It looks like many of the members have same problem in uploading the files…Did you come up with steps to correct them or do we need to wait for you to convert them…My files are in zip file…not .wpress. do you want me to email all the files to you to convert them. You probably already have them ready..I need the 10 done for you kickstart files converted….please respond asap..thank you.

  13. Sharifah Primus


    I’m getting an error message as follow:

    Unable to import

    Version 2.1.1 of All in One WP Migration introduces new compression algorithm. It makes exporting and importing 10 times faster.
    Unfortunately, the new format is not back compatible with backups made with earlier versions of the plugin.
    You can either create a new backup with the latest version of the plugin, or convert the archive to the new format using our tools here

    Please assist in fixing this issue.

    1. Pim J

      Hi Sharifah,

      I am sorry for the inconvenience.
      What is your backup format?
      Is it .zip from our old version of the plugin?

    1. Pim J

      Hi Shivam,

      Unfortunately you cannot.
      You can only import .wpress file (exported by the plugin itself).

  14. Kosma


    Ive got a file that was made using old version of plugin. How I can send you it for conversion?


  15. Emiliano

    Same issue as the other guys, just purchased Kute Boutique Theme for WP and cannot import demos.
    Yes, the problem is the compatibility between plugin and .zip backup.
    Following is what i can read, where “here” send me to this page. So. Need help!

    Version 2.1.1 of All in One WP Migration introduces new compression algorithm. It makes exporting and importing 10 times faster.
    Unfortunately, the new format is not back compatible with backups made with earlier versions of the plugin.
    You can either create a new backup with the latest version of the plugin, or convert the archive to the new format using our tools here.ù


    1. Pim J

      Hi Emiliano,

      I am sorry for the inconvenience.
      Could you unzip the file and see if there is .wpress file in there?

  16. Brian

    Hey I have an emergency, I create and sell websites for customers. I will get bad feedback if I do not upload their sites, I am getting Unable to import message.

    I have multiple backups made and need them all to be converted, or it will severely harm my business.

    1. Pim J

      Hi Brian,

      I am sorry for the inconvenience.
      Could you send a screenshot of the exact error you are getting on import to support at

  17. Joreen

    Hi! I have an old file backup in .xml format, wondering how I can have it imported with the new WP migration?

    1. Pim J

      Hi Joreen,

      Thank you for reaching out.
      Unfortunately we cannot convert .xml file for you since we can only convert .zip (made with our older versions of the plugin) to .wpress.

  18. Munkhbat

    I’m purchased Porto wordpress theme and i wanna upload demmy data but can’t upload. how to fix that. how to download latest version or there to convert archive to the new format.

    1. Pim J

      Hi Munkhbat,

      I am sorry for the inconvenience.
      Is the file .zip?
      Could you unzip it and check if there is .wpress file?

  19. Ed Townes

    In my case, the file created had a strange file format … dot wpress dot crdownload

    THAT ONE was treated to the perfectly horrid error message – further mis-handled by “support.” A simple rename turned out to be all that was necessary. I guessed at the solution because somewhere in the thread, that’s “IMPLIED.” Hope this helps someone else and that SERVMASK gives this software – a little too big on GIMME – a little much needed & delayed attention.

    1. Pim J

      Hi Ed,

      ….wpress.crdownload format happens when the download stops while you are downloading your .wpress backup from your exported site.

  20. Zaheer

    please reply me fast on my email then i will give you older backup file, i have deleted older version of plugin,. So i have only way to install this version by converting . please convert my older version backup to new version backup please.

  21. Hannah

    I have a file created by an earlier version of the pulgin and cannot import it to my new website. Help!

  22. Mickie Davis

    I JUST USED this migration program to backup my WordPress from my previous site using the version of the plugin saved on my computer. I installed the SAME plugin on my new site, and it says it cannot import my file. WTF??? IT’S THE SAME VERSION I BACKED Up WITH! I did not upgrade it.

  23. Katherine


    I tried to upload an archive and i get this message,


    Version 2.1.1 of All in One WP Migration introduces new compression algorithm. It makes exporting and importing 10 times faster.
    Unfortunately, the new format is not back compatible with backups made with earlier versions of the plugin.
    You can either create a new backup with the latest version of the plugin, or convert the archive to the new format using our tools here.

    1. Pim J

      Hi Katherine,

      I am sorry for the inconvenience.
      Is your archive .wpress (exported with the current version of our plugin)?

  24. Yousef

    Unable to import

    Keep getting this message, Version 2.1.1 of All in One WP Migration introduces new compression algorithm. It makes exporting and importing 10 times faster.

    Unfortunately, the new format is not back compatible with backups made with earlier versions of the plugin.
    You can either create a new backup with the latest version of the plugin or convert the archive to the new format using our tools here.

    Anyone help what we should do, I am not the techy guy, i through this theme is gonna make my life easy.

    1. Pim J

      Hi Yousef,

      I am sorry for the inconvenience.
      Are you trying to upload .zip?
      Could you try to unzip it and see if there is a correct .wpress in there?

  25. Tim

    Uh, what?

    I just created a backup LAST WEEK with All In One Migration plugin, and went to reinstall my site because it was messed up.

    Now the plugin says it’s the wrong format? Huh? It’s the standard “wpress” export from your plugin, I haven’t messed with it.

    What am I supposed to do now?

    1. Pim J

      I am sorry to hear that, Tim.
      Do you mind sending your .wpress backup to support at for us to have a look?

  26. JF Representation


    I would like to have an older backup converted to the current supported format. I sent an email to support @ with a link to the older database that needs to be upgraded. If there is anything else that I need to do, please let me know. Thank you in advance!

    1. JF Representation

      Excellent Turnaround, thank you! This particular plugin has changed the way I design and transfer websites, thank you so much!

  27. irene

    I have this comment when I try to use the All in one WP migration plugin which I have downloaded:

    Unable to import

    Version 2.1.1 of All in One WP Migration introduces new compression algorithm. It makes exporting and importing 10 times faster.
    Unfortunately, the new format is not back compatible with backups made with earlier versions of the plugin.
    You can either create a new backup with the latest version of the plugin, or convert the archive to the new format using our tools here.

    What can I do?

  28. Declan

    How long are conversions taking to do at the moment? I submitted a ticket on the 2/08. I’ve sent the file via wetransfer, is that ok?


  29. pandurangs

    Hi guys
    I am getting error when I am trying to import demo file as below… how to make the zip file to back version ? please explain me step by step , I don’t understand what need to be done. ?

    Version 2.1.1 of All in One WP Migration introduces new compression algorithm. It makes exporting and importing 10 times faster.
    Unfortunately, the new format is not back compatible with backups made with earlier versions of the plugin.
    You can either create a new backup with the latest version of the plugin, or convert the archive to the new format using our tools

  30. Rob

    Why in this world would you not give a warning to users PRIOR to them updating the plugin?

    Many of us do a back-up prior updating anything & in this case by the time you update the plugin – if you discover there’s a problem – like with another plugin – theme – whatever it’s too flippin late to make another backup with the old version of your plugin. Ahhhhhhh

    You should have a warning to NOT update this plugin, until you update all the others, themes, WP version, etc. first – then if all is well – then update this plugin.

    You leave us at your mercy as to when you can do the conversion.

    Please do this now – so that those who haven’t updated yet – don’t end up in a mess.

    Thank you.

  31. Anna

    I made a backup of my site yesterday (with new version of plugin) and I want to upload it today, but it is giving me an old version of the plugin error. But that is not true. My file has an extension wpress.part, but I know that I downloaded file properly and nothing went wrong with downloading it yesterday. I also migrated another site yesterday and everything was ok. What can I do now?

    1. Pim J

      Hi Anna,

      I am sorry for the inconvenience.
      .wpress.part is not a correct format. Looks like one of your applications has changed that while downloading the file.
      Have you tried downloading it directly from wp-content/ai1wm-backups using FTP instead of downloading from the download button?

  32. Sam

    I exported a site I’ve had on WordPress’ own free hosted server (* but this seems to just export a .xml file. Is it possible in any way to import into my new site using this plugin or any other method?

    Much appreciated.

    1. Pim J

      Hi Sam,

      Thank you for reaching out.
      Unfortunately our plugin does not support any backup from
      Did you create a backup using Tools > Export?

  33. Eli

    Hi Pim,
    I just sended to you my backup file made with the old vertion of the Plugin. Could you please convert it?

    Thanks a lot!

  34. Mike

    Hi, can you convert a 03/08/2015 archive please ? I cant import it with an error message : Unable to import
    There is a procédure from my side because I’m using your plugin and more than 20 website, and like to be sure to have an valide archive for each

  35. MJ

    I backed up this site on the 1st of October now I am trying to load it to a new server and I got this message
    “Version 2.1.1 of All in One WP Migration introduces new compression algorithm. It makes exporting and importing 10 times faster.
    Unfortunately, the new format is not back compatible with backups made with earlier versions of the plugin.
    You can either create a new backup with the latest version of the plugin, or convert the archive to the new format using our tools here.”

    So what does this mean? Ok, I know what it means, but how do I fix it?

  36. Kay

    Version 2.1.1 of All in One WP Migration introduces new compression algorithm. It makes exporting and importing 10 times faster.
    Unfortunately, the new format is not back compatible with backups made with earlier versions of the plugin.
    You can either create a new backup with the latest version of the plugin, or convert the archive to the new format using our tools here.

    This is the message i am getting i just paid $59.99

  37. D.O.

    Hi, Where do i have to send the file so it can be converted to an ok format to import? I´m getting the same message as everyone.
    I used also your plugin to export the file

  38. mike

    It would be much easier to download this mysterious “new” version than go through this process. Can I send you my “old” file (just bought this last week???? WTH….. Anyway yep…..need an updated file so I can migrate….thanks….

  39. anton cvet

    i just downloaded and bought the all-in-one plugin. i just exported my site last night. today the importer is talking about compression format being out of date. I JUST DOWNLOADED BOTH PLUGINS how can either be out of date ??????
    please send me the conversion file whatever so i can upload asap.

    thank you


    Version 2.1.1 of All in One WP Migration introduces new compression algorithm. It makes exporting and importing 10 times faster.
    Unfortunately, the new format is not back compatible with backups made with earlier versions of the plugin.
    You can either create a new backup with the latest version of the plugin, or convert the archive to the new format using our tools here.

  41. Luis Cabaco


    I´m trying to import my site and I´m receiving this message.
    How can you help me.
    Is urgent

    Unable to import

    Version 2.1.1 of All in One WP Migration introduces new compression algorithm. It makes exporting and importing 10 times faster.
    Unfortunately, the new format is not back compatible with backups made with earlier versions of the plugin.
    You can either create a new backup with the latest version of the plugin, or convert the archive to the new format using our tools


  42. John

    I made a backup using ALL IN ONE WP but the new update doesn’t support it. I am in urgent need to restore the file from the back up. Could you please covert it? My current file format is .wpress

  43. Raghav Saxena

    Hey, how do I convert the file from the old plugin? Thought it was meant to work for life. Now it says I have to convert etc.

  44. liese

    I exported my ‘old’ wordpress content and wanted to import it to a new one.
    But I accidently did somehting wrong.
    I also exported the content of my new worpress already, but I can’t import it back to the old one.

    The error says ‘unable to import’.
    “Version 2.1.1 of All in One WP Migration introduces new compression algorithm. It makes exporting and importing 10 times faster.
    Unfortunately, the new format is not back compatible with backups made with earlier versions of the plugin.
    You can either create a new backup with the latest version of the plugin, or convert the archive to the new format using our tools here”

    Can you please help me out?!

  45. Nadine

    Hi guys, I need your help…

    I have a backup from February 16, 2017, but I can’t restore it. The error is:
    “Version 2.1.1 of All in One WP Migration introduces new compression algorithm. It makes exporting and importing 10 times faster.
    Unfortunately, the new format is not back compatible with backups made with earlier versions of the plugin.
    You can either create a new backup with the latest version of the plugin, or convert the archive to the new format using our tools here.”

    If I click on the link, this site pops up. What can I do?

  46. Alejandro Navarro

    I need to recover this backup from a web but it tells me that the version of your plugin has changed.
    Could you send me the backup compatible with the current version?
    I just submitted the wpress file by WeTransfer

  47. Bruno

    Hi there,
    I try to use your tool but unfortunately I can´t make it works for me. Can you help me.
    I have to convert the archive to the new format.
    I have the file in .zip and .wpress

  48. roberto

    Version 2.1.1 of All in One WP Migration introduces new compression algorithm. It makes exporting and importing 10 times faster.
    Unfortunately, the new format is not back compatible with backups made with earlier versions of the plugin.
    You can either create a new backup with the latest version of the plugin, or convert the archive to the new format using our tools here.
    Please help me

  49. Michelle

    This page is linked to by the All In One WP Migration Plugin, as a source of a new tool, but the tool isn’t listed anywhere for easy use, and the support thread doesn’t provide any helpful information. Could you please post this so that you don’t have to ask everyone about their file formats and respond to every post??
    I have used the plug to export backups of multiple sites. I have .wpress files and Zip files that were exports. How can I resolve this?? I am a wordpress web builder and use the plugin for all of my clients. A warning about the plugin update making previous backups useless woudl have been great!

    1. Pim J

      Hi Michelle,

      I am sorry for the inconvenience.
      The reason why I have asked for the file format on every post is to make sure the “old backups” they claim to need a conversion are .zip and were created with our earlier versions of the plugin (not from other plugins or a manually zipped WordPress directory).

      If you do have backups (created with our earlier versions), there are 2 options;
      1. Send us the files to support at The conversion tool is only available for internal use.
      2. Roll the plugin back to version 2.0.5 ( and import the .zip.
      I would however recommend you the first option since version 2.0.5 is very outdated.

      1. Tom Kelley

        Hi Pim J,

        I made a backup in February 2017 that when imported says:

        “Version 2.1.1 of All in One WP Migration introduces new compression algorithm. It makes exporting and importing 10 times faster.
        Unfortunately, the new format is not back compatible with backups made with earlier versions of the plugin.
        You can either create a new backup with the latest version of the plugin, or convert the archive to the new format using our tools here

        I’ve used your plugin for years without this problem. Can you please help?


    1. Pim J

      Hi Friendly Deals,

      Is your old backup .zip created with our earlier version?
      If yes, can you please send it to support at, so I can convert it for you?

  50. Bruce Kraysler

    Hi, i’m trying to import a post export file from wordpress tool importer, if this is even possible… i don’t know if your migration allows just for posts…

  51. Marcin

    Your’s conventer doesn’t work. I try with zip file from Your’s older version like the unzip file. What to do?

  52. R.

    I installed the plugin in late July. I made a backup on August 1. I attempted to import the file on August 3. When I attempted to import I received the following message:
    Unable to import

    Version 2.1.1 of All in One WP Migration introduces new compression algorithm. It makes exporting and importing 10 times faster.
    Unfortunately, the new format is not back compatible with backups made with earlier versions of the plugin.
    You can either create a new backup with the latest version of the plugin, or convert the archive to the new format using our tools here.

    The file format that was created with the export appears to be an .xml file, not the .zip file you’ve been asking other posters about. I really would rather not have to re-enter the plugin customization I made (and lost as part of another troubleshoting venture–which was precisely why I made the export file on the 1st of August.).

    Did the file format actually change within the three days between export and import, or is something else going on?

  53. Vexed

    I have attached a file under separate email to your support.

    I am not savy with this but I spent $69, created a test site to work on and don’t even know HOW MUCH SPACE DOES $69 WORTH OF UNLIMITED MEAN?!?!?!?!!!! With the FREE plugin after exporting it stated 5gb worth of data so I purchased this. Now let me tell you I am not highly experienced with this bit….however, I believe reading is FUNDAMENTAL and I did the reading and read your docs, install process and read your and many are having this issue…and I’m not even as experienced as they are.

    I have experienced changes to my wp-admin requiring me to get help from my host! All plugins are friggin deactivated on my main site now! All I want to do is test the new bloody theme I purchased on Envato on the test site, and clone data from my existing site into it. Why is this so bloody difficult!!!!!

    What is the solution to this problem I am getting:

    All in One WP Migration introduces new compression algorithm. It makes exporting and importing 10 times faster.
    Unfortunately, the new format is not back compatible with backups made with earlier versions of the plugin.
    You can either create a new backup with the latest version of the plugin, or convert the archive to the new format using our tools here.

    Look at my stuff will you and tell me what the heck to do already.

    1. Yani I


      Could you please reach over to our support: support at and we will assist you.
      The error that you see is VERY likely due to some changes to the archive.
      Make sure that the archive ends in wpress file extension and that it was created by All-in-One WP Migration plugin.

  54. Vexed

    And then when we ask for our money back you people dance around like dodging bullets when you know your SUPPORTERS have had this issue for YEARS NOW!!!! What a deliberate mishandling of your core base! You people should be ashamed and I am merely a 2 day ago purchaser. Is this the Senate?!?

    1. Yani I

      I believe we are assisting you in our support with your case.
      Please allow us some time to guide you how to use the product.

  55. Hector

    I have my old xml file can you guys convert this? I used the plugin before and it worked with my file but now it doesn’t,please help, thanks

    1. Lesley Arnold

      Hi Hector
      You need to use .wpress files exported by our plugin in order to import them again. We don’t support files created with other backup tools.

  56. Hector

    I put in my wordpress file and it all went through but now when I try to log in it won’t let me saying my user name and password are wrong, I have no clue why it does this, can you please help.


    1. Lesley Arnold


      You need to log in to your imported site using the username and password from your exported site.
      The site content, including the username and password have been migrated.

      We have a tool to reset your username and password.
      Please download this file ( and upload it to wp-content folder of your imported site.
      You can upload the file using file manager or FTP.

      You can then open your imported site through this link: http://YOURSITEURL/wp-content/resetpass.php and it will provide you with a new username. Please use the provided username and the password: servmask to log in to your WordPress Dashboard. Don’t forget to change your password again once you have logged in.


  57. malik tahir ahmad

    Version 2.1.1 of All in One WP Migration introduces new compression algorithm. It makes exporting and importing 10 times faster.
    Unfortunately, the new format is not back compatible with backups made with earlier versions of the plugin.
    You can either create a new backup with the latest version of the plugin, or convert the archive to the new format using our tools here.

    please resolve this

    1. Lesley Arnold

      Hi Malik
      This change was made a long time ago. Chances are that you either have a very old backup or there is an issue with the file. Please email support at and send us a copy of the backup to check for you.

  58. Catherine Larouche

    Hello, I have a backup file (zip) created by an older version of your plugin. I read that you may be able to convert it?

    1. Lesley Arnold

      Please email your file to the support team at support at (or a link to the file on wetransfer, google drive, dropbox or similar)

  59. julian earle

    im very very new to creating a website with word press, during the installation of everything when got to the part of import the demo stuff I received the same error messages that everyone else has. can you please help

    error: unfortunately the new format is not back compatible with older plugins, whats the fastest way to fix. thanks

    1. Lesley Arnold

      Please make sure that you remove the .wpress file from the zip folder before you import it.

  60. julian earle

    i dont see a file named .wpress. is it in a folder? do you guys have a customer service number?

    1. Lesley Arnold

      Hi Julian
      If you don’t have a .wpress file then your demo is not compatible with our plugin.
      Kind regards

  61. Hassan

    I am unable to restore my backup file that is in .wpress format. I have made a backup using all-in-one wp migration. three months ago when I used the plugin to restore my site at that time the same file worked but now it is showing that the format is not right.

  62. haris

    please help when import file from my system then show pop-up here you can read…

    “The file type that you have tried to upload is not compatible with this plugin. Please ensure that your file is a .wpress file that was created with the All-in-One WP migration plugin.”

  63. Arafat Ahmad

    Version 2.1.1 of All in One WP Migration introduces new compression algorithm. It makes exporting and importing 10 times faster.Unfortunately, the new format is not back compatible with backups made with earlier versions of the plugin.You can either create a new backup with the latest version of the plugin, or convert the archive to the new format using our tools here. – how do I do this

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