How to Change the Storage Path for All-in-One WP Migration

In some environments, such as those with multiple servers behind a load balancer, the default storage path used by All-in-One WP Migration may not be suitable. By default, the plugin stores temporary data in a subdirectory within its own directory (`/wp-content/plugins/all-in-one-wp-migration/storage/`). However, you can customize this storage path to better suit your setup.

This guide will walk you through the steps to modify the storage path for All-in-One WP Migration.

Step 1: Access Your WordPress Installation

1. Connect to your WordPress site using FTP or a file manager provided by your hosting provider.
2. Navigate to the `wp-content/plugins/all-in-one-wp-migration/` directory.

Step 2: Edit the `constants.php` File

1. In the `all-in-one-wp-migration` directory, locate the `constants.php` file.
2. Open the `constants.php` file in a text editor.

Step 3: Modify the Storage Path

1. Scroll down to line 48, where you will find the following line of code:


2. To change the storage location, replace the existing path with the full path to your desired directory. For example, if you want to store the data in `/wp-content/ai1wm-storage/`, you would modify the line to:


Here, `WP_CONTENT_DIR` is a constant that points to the `wp-content` directory in your WordPress installation.

3. Make sure the directory you specify has the necessary permissions for the web server to read, write, and list files.

Step 4: Create the New Directory (If Necessary)

1. If the directory you specified does not already exist, create it. For example, if you used `/wp-content/ai1wm-storage/`, create the `ai1wm-storage` directory within the `wp-content` folder.
2. Set the appropriate permissions for the directory so that the web server can access it. Typically, this means setting the permissions to `755` or `775`.

Step 5: Save and Upload the File

1. After making the changes, save the `constants.php` file.
2. If you edited the file locally, upload it back to the `all-in-one-wp-migration` directory on your server, replacing the existing file.

Step 6: Test the Configuration

1. Perform an export or import operation using All-in-One WP Migration to ensure that the plugin is correctly using the new storage directory.
2. Verify that temporary files are being stored in the new location and that the operation completes without any issues.

Important Notes:

Temporary Folder: The storage folder is intended to be temporary and is cleaned between each import/export. Modifying its location should be done with consideration of how your environment handles temporary data.
Multiple Server Environments: In a multi-server environment, ensure that the new storage directory is shared across all servers behind the load balancer, just as you would with the `/wp-content/ai1wm-backups/` directory.
Plugin Updates: Future updates to the plugin will not affect this change unless the `constants.php` file is overwritten. It’s a good practice to back up your modified `constants.php` file before updating the plugin.

If you encounter any issues or need further assistance, feel free to reach out to our support team.

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