Corrupted Archive

If you receive a message indicating that you have a broken or corrupted .wpress archive:

  1. Re-download the.wpress backup from your exported site via FTP (rather than using the Download Button, login via FTP and download the backup file directly from wp-content/ai1wm-backups).
  2. Upload the file extracted in step 1 using “Import from File” or FTP it to wp-content/ai1wm-backups. Then, restore it from the Backups section. Please watch for more details.

If you have followed the steps outlined above but are still experiencing problems, please contact us at su*****@se******.com.


  1. abhi

    HI Pim J,

    Please help me…..i created a backup on 8 aug 2016 and imaorted and every thing was fine

    my site git with a virus so i deleted the WordPress site and tried to import and restore the same .wpress file now it shows archive corrupted

    Kindly help i dont have any back for my site other than than .wpress file

    is it due to the version change in last 30 days, Please help

  2. Silvère

    I just bought the unlimited extension, and dot the “Corrupted Archive” message.
    So, I tried the above instruction, and now I’ve got a “The file is too large for your hosting plan.” message.
    I can assure you that disk space and database space are more than adequate.

    Can you help?


  3. Dannie

    I got this error, when trying to import. I also tried to copy the file to the backup for import, but it still says corrupted archive.

    I do not have ftp access on the old hosting. But I have downloaded the file twice with different download managers and the size is 100% identical.

    The file is 9gb so trying too many times is not really an option – especially if issues are related to something else than the transfer.

    The question is, is there a way to extract the content of the 9gb file? Or can you help me in anyway?

    Thanks in advance.

    1. Pim J

      Hi ashraf,

      I am sorry for the inconvenience.
      How did you download your backup file – from the download button or using FTP?

  4. Chick

    Im hoping this is not a waste of money and especially time. Im getting the Corrupted Archive message. This took close to 6 hours to upload, so I really need help here.

    1. Pim J


      I am sorry for the inconvenience.
      How large is your backup?
      Did you download it from the download button or directly from wp-content/ai1wm-backups using FTP?

  5. Nick Edwards

    Same story as others here >2GB archive ftp’ed up as backup to new site and still getting corrupt archive message, need some help please.

  6. Mark

    Same as everyone else… Uploaded & ftp’d the .wpress up from 2 different sites & still the same problem & message.

    1. Khaled

      Hello Jeroen

      Could you provide us with the solution ? as i have the same problem and i can’t solve it yet .

  7. bishnu

    My backup file size is 209mb. I backed up yesterday. Now while restoring, it shows an error “CORRUPTED BACKUP”. Kindly help.

      1. bishnu

        How can I at least get back my posts?
        Is there any way to convert it to .zip backup?
        How can I restore my website properly?

  8. Prafull Malviya

    Hello, please i download the file using All in One WP migration, removed everything from the previous host, only to try importing it and received “Corrupt file” Please this is important. What do i do?

    And how do I send you me backup on your email address su*****@se******.com ?

  9. Banana

    Wanted to say that this worked for me. It was awesome that the error that popped up linked to this page, and then the instructions here helped!

    Thanks very much!

  10. zeke woollett

    Hi – I’ve tried all sorts of methods (ftp/download/upload) with 2 different backup files and still get the same “corrupt file” error message – anything else I can try?

  11. Jenna Julie Kobrowisky

    Hi There

    I also got the Error message, file corrupt then downloaded it via FTP, uploaded it again and still not working. please help urgently. File size = 417MB

    Kind Regards

  12. Nori Nao

    I will always patronize All in One Wp Migratin.
    I purchased a paid version for data restoration this time. However, an error occurs at the end and it does not complete.
    It is very important data.
    I want to recover data somehow.
    I am seeking your help.

    Thank you.

      1. Nori Nao

        Hi Lesley

        Thank you for your reply.

        We have not yet recovered data.

        I am very happy if you can help me.

        I uploaded the backup file [nori_nao_2018_03_22.wpress] from ?, but I will not move forward from the message [99% read from archive].

        How should I do?

        Thank you.

        Nori Nao

  13. Leo Faltin

    received “file corrupted” in both cases, too:
    1. exporting to local file & importing from there via Plug-Ins under present & future host;
    2. downloading to local file from present & uploading from there to future host via FTP, then restoring from wp-content/ai1wm-backups/ via backup function.
    Is there any hope to get that working? File size is about 300MB.
    Cheers, Leo
    PS: the website given below is the present one

  14. Salman

    Hi – I have tried all sorts of methods (ftp/download/upload) with 2 different backup files and still get the same “corrupt file” error message – anything else I can try?

    1. Lesley Arnold

      Are you able to take a new backup and download then upload with FTP? if you need more help, please email support at where we can help you further.

  15. mauwiks

    Unable to import
    The archive file is corrupted. Follow this article to resolve the problem.

    Alreday tried import from plugin and restore (via ftp upload) but still doesn’t work.

    Kindly assist. 🙁

    1. Lesley Arnold

      Sorry to hear that you are having issues
      Could you email us at support at servmask dot com with the ,wpress file and the contents of the error log? The error log is at wp-content/plugins/all-in-one-wp-migration/storage/error.log

    1. Lesley Arnold

      Hi Paul

      Could you send us the files or links to them – support at servmask dot com. We can take a look for your.

  16. Jackiel


    I follow the instructions the video, and get this message:

    “Unable to import
    The archive file is corrupted. Follow this article to resolve the problem.”

    Can help?


    1. Lesley Arnold

      The best option for a corrupted archive is to take a new backup. If you are not able to do this, please contact our support team.

  17. Thanit

    Hello I’m found issue a

    Unable to import
    The archive file is corrupted. Follow this article to resolve the problem.

    when I export site a success and import to site b show error Unable to import I’m try method video your youtube. result same error.

  18. Mary Y

    hello, i have purchased this

    Tried to upload via the website, then tried the ftp version
    then tried to download the ftp version then reupload via ftp
    and the file just says” Restoring 8771 files…
    100% complete” and has not moved from that all night

    1. Pim J. Iliev

      Hi Mary,

      I am sorry for the inconvenience.
      What is your PHP version?
      If your migration appears to be getting stuck, can you try to open another browser tab of your website and let us know what you find?

      Thank you!

  19. Josh

    Same issue as everyone else. Really sad I spend $70 on this plugin.
    Uploaded via FTP and restored.. still says file corrupted.

  20. Radhakrishnan

    Unable to import
    The archive file is corrupted. Follow this article to resolve the problem.

    this is the message i import my database file which is export from existing site. i want to import the datas to the newsite. pls help me and give any ideas what i need to do.. I am used all-in-one-migration wordpress plugin.

    my website address is

    i want to transform the data from to i expect your reply.

    thank you

    with regard,

    1. Pim J. Iliev

      Hi syamsul,

      Your backup was not fully downloaded from the source site.
      Instead of downloading it from the download button, please log in using cPanel or FTP and download it from the wp-content/ai1wm-backup folder.

  21. Jeremias

    Hi, I’m experiencing the same problem. I put the backup to open in “”Traktor” and stopped in Reading…
    100.00%. What does that mean? Need help. Thanks

    1. Yani I

      It means that the archive did not download properly. You will have to redownload it. Try using a Download Manager like uGet.

  22. Jaap van Rooij

    ik heb mijn site verwijderd en de back-up produceert deze fout hoe kan ik het nu oplossen, vertel me de oplossing?
    Ik heb de back-up in traktor geopend en daar krijg ik geen fout melding te zien
    Wat nu?

  23. rosi Melonica

    Hey i downladed the backup in .wpress format and tried uploading it for my site and it was uploaded to 100% too while checking the compatibility with plugin it shown error and failed, i have migrated site to new hosting the data is no longer available to downloads for me !! help me

  24. ammar zafar

    I have the same issue and I took the backup of the website on 30 September and now I want to migrate the website, and i am not able to do migration even the file is not affected by the virus.

    i really to do the migration because my website is done

  25. Daisy Quilez

    Yesterday I made a backup, I had to delete my wordpress due to a situation with the hosting. I’m trying to import and I get a notification that the file is corrupt. I tried with previous backups and the same thing appears.

  26. jesse james

    Hello accept greetings was trying to upload my file and it says corrupt please can i have some assistance is the only backup i have for my website .

  27. AsadUllah

    I have an issue with migrating data it’s getting me an error “the file was corrupted”. I tried both places but it’s given me an error

  28. Muhammad Talha

    I am facing the same issue of corrupted files and trying for hours to solve it but cannot solve and also don’t know how to use or install FTP. Can you please help me import my file?

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