This message appears because the file you are attempting to load is not recognized as a WordPress backup. It is invalid or lacks the.wpress extension.
Please ensure that the file was created using the All-in-One WP Migration plugin.
If you were given a file to load a demo or theme, please ensure that it extracts from the zip file.
You can use our analyzer tool to test .wpress files before importing them at If the file loads completely, it is safe to import.
If you have a file that is valid in traktor but will not load, please contact our customer service team at: su*****@se******.com
It would be great to know the path of backups to be able to check this via the command line or an ftp client.
Mình đã tải export ra file tải về máy có đuôi .wpress . Tại sao khi import lên
sau khi mất 2 h cho việc tải tập 207MB . Thì lại báo lỗi ” Tệp sao lưu không hợp lệ”
Sorry to hear that this is not going smoothly for you.
Can you drag and drop your exported .wpress backup here and send us a screenshot?
If you would like to know more about the traktor tool, please see
Dear sir/madam,
I have the plugin “all in migrate unlimited extension ”,using that I tried to migrate my backup from one site to another
But it is failing,
Can you please help us with this
Please reach over to our support for assistance:
Is there any support for WordPress eXtended RSS (WXR) (.xml) files?
There is not, I am afraid.
Unable to import
The file type that you have tried to upload is not compatible with this plugin. Please ensure that your file is a .wpress file that was created with the All-in-One WP migration plugin. Technical details
please help, I am having an issue, got the above instruction. what do I do pls?
Please contact our support for assistance: